“Your vibration creates your reality. When you have mastered your vibration, you can obtain and feel anything you want in your life,” said Fitriagustin “Ing” Tjandra in her new book, Raise & Stay at Your High Vibration.

“Reading and implementing my book is one of the fastest ways to master and change your vibration,” she said, during the book’s launching at FASTLab Clinic & Laboratory at Jl. Widya Chandra, South Jakarta, on 12/07/2022.

Raise & Stay at Your High Vibration is published independently by her alternative healing clinic, HealingingTan. For Ing, the book is a milestone in her spiritual healing journey. As an internationally- certified Geo Love Healing expert, “I yearn for as many people as possible to improve and maintain their positive vibrations,” she smiled. “There are ways to improve our personal vibration so that we can constantly be in a state of unlimited, abundant high vibration, where we can obtain whatever we want through inspired effort. Improving our vibration is the first step. It’s like changing the TV channel to tune in to a different program. When we do this, everything we see changes. We see ways to achieve our joy and abundance faster and easier. It’s all there already – waiting for us to be aware of it and grab it. We don’t need to chase happiness and wealth – we can allow it to come to us.”

Raise and Stay at Your High Vibration by Healingingtan also tells you where you can get the “free group distance healing for 1000 persons to release stress, worry and anxiety” social service, freely available from the clinic since July 2021. Ing’s amazing healing skills did not come to her out of the blue. After years of study and practice, she finally mastered multiple healing and coaching methods, including Blocked Qi Release, Geo Love Healing, Psychic Reading and Channeling, Duality, Reiki, Matrix Cosmic Power, Matrix Cosmic Healing, Akashic Records, Crystal Healing, and Certified Authentic Living Coach Certification. She learned all of these skills from healing experts all over the world, including Master CK (Malaysia), Jeffry Allen (United States), Oliver Nino (United States), Mandy Morris (United States), Christina Eagle (United States), Dr. Karen Kan (United States), and Awie Suwandi (Indonesia).

Since early 2022, Ing has gone international as a mentor, by joining Oliver Nino and Mandy Morris in the United States. She also collaborates with healers in multiple countries to help others, among others by participating in the Free Hormone Balancing and Healing the World Together programs. By reading her book, you are sure to find ways to keep your spirit in a high vibration – one with positive, loving thoughts for your family, friends, and people around you, which makes it easier for you to find ways to work the opportunities to achieve your dreams.


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